Thank you for your interest in becoming an instructor and/or subject matter guest speaker for the OCS’s Fundamentals of Construction Labour Relations course.

Course Objective:

To enhance construction industry labour relations and build labour-management relationships by providing relevant and engaging training to stakeholders working in the unionized ICI construction sector. Training focusses on understanding the evolution of ICI sector construction labour relations, legislated framework and regulations, and exploring topics related to collective agreements, negotiation and bargaining, grievances and jurisdictional dispute, health & safety and human rights.


The course is delivered through an in-person format over 3 consecutive days. OCS coordinates participant registration, preparation of all learning materials, and venue logistics. Each session hosts an equal mix of labour and management stakeholders. Class size ranges between 24-30 participants.

Currently, the course is offered twice a year during the third week of April and November. However, due to strong interest in the course, we are considering providing a third offering. To date, the course has only been delivered in the Greater Toronto Area, but we intend to offer at least one course per year in a regional market outside the GTA.


The fully developed course curriculum covers topics spanning seven (7) modules. Each module is supported by a PowerPoint presentation, group exercises and discussions and a Resource Handbook for course participants. OCS has also developed a Facilitator’s Guide.

Instructor / Guest Speaker Qualifications

Our ideal instructor and/or subject matter guest speakers are excellent communicators who have a strong working knowledge and real-world experience of labour relations in Ontario’s ICI construction sector. They gained practical working labour relations experience as either a union representative, contractor representative or labour relations professional working for buyer of construction services.

Construction Industry Experience

  • 5+ years construction industry labour relations experience as either a union representative, contractor representative or LR professional working for a buyer of construction services
  • Above average knowledge of the Ontario Labour Relations Act and the Ontario Labour Relations Board
  • Working experience in collective bargaining, managing grievances and jurisdictional disputes, worker health & safety regulations and rights, and Human Rights as it intersects with the construction industry

Instructional Aptitudes and Experiences

  • Previous adult education teaching/training experience is preferred
  • Ability to foster a collaborative learning environment where participants can share experiences and participate in group discussions and exercises
  • Encourage course participants to think critically about their work experiences and lessons learned during the course
  • Ability to draw from real-world examples to supplement the course curriculum

To apply, please complete the application form and upload your resume by clicking the “I’m Interested” button below.

Should you have any questions, please contact:

Katherine Jacobs, Director of Research
Ontario Construction Secretariat
416-620-5210 x225 or