Investing in Ontario’s Infrastructure: A Prosperity at Risk Perspective
This report, by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis (CANCEA), co-sponsored by OCS and the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario, uses agent-based modelling to investigate the long-term economic impact of infrastructure investments. Under this approach, public infrastructure investments are shown to generate an economic return on real GDP that is almost eight times as large as the impact predicted by traditional economic models.
2015 Survey of Ontario’s ICI Construction Industry
According to the annual Construction Confidence Indicator (CCI), prepared by OCS and Ipsos Reid, the Greater Toronto Area is expected to lead growth in the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional construction sector in 2015. The Construction Confidence Indicator is based on interviews with 500 contractors who provide their opinions regarding construction activity, investment and labour market conditions. Also, of note for 2015 are contractors’ views on the underground economy in construction.
2015 Survey of Ontario’s ICI Construction Industry
According to the annual Construction Confidence Indicator (CCI), prepared by OCS and Ipsos Reid, the Greater Toronto Area is expected to lead growth in the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional construction sector in 2015. The Construction Confidence Indicator is based on interviews with 500 contractors who provide their opinions regarding construction activity, investment and labour market conditions. Also, of note for 2015 are contractors’ views on the underground economy in construction.
2014 Survey of Ontario’s ICI Construction Industry
Prospects are bullish for Ontario’s industrial, commercial and institutional construction sector, according to this annual survey commissioned by the Ontario Construction Secretariat. Noteworthy findings include contractors’ concerns about opportunities in the institutional sector and union investment in apprenticeship. 550 general and trade contractors shared their views on the economic, construction and labour market outlook as well as insight into key factors impacting the construction industry.