Welcome to the Fundamentals of Construction Labour Relations registration page!

This unique labour relations course was developed in consultation with knowledgeable and experienced construction industry professionals. It provides a practical, hands-on experience that you can take back to your day-to-day professional life to enhance relationships and create a positive labour relations environment in Ontario’s construction industry.

Delivered in-person over 3-days in a small class format, you can expect to engage with industry experts and your labour and management colleagues as you explore labour regulations, the historical context that created our current labour relations regime and delve into topics such as JDs, negotiations and the duty to accommodate.

We believe that in addition to building knowledge, this course will help build stronger relationships as participants engage with each other by discussing and sharing real-life experiences.

Upon completion, participants will receive a McMaster University Continuing Education Certificate of Attendance and points towards accreditation by Canadian Construction Association’s Gold Seal Program.


Fall 2024 Session (November 18-20, 2024)  
Spring 2025 Session
(April 22-24, 2025)  
Fall 2025 Session
(November 17-19, 2025)


The Ontario Construction Secretariat (OCS) is looking to develop a roster of qualified facilitators, instructors, and/or subject matter expert guest speakers for our newly launched Fundamentals of Construction Labour Relations Course.

This 3-day, in-person course provides labour and management participants with a historical perspective of the evolution of construction sector labour relations and working knowledge of key labour relation regulations and practices in Ontario’s unionized ICI construction sector. Over the course of 7 Modules, participants engage in group discussions, practical exercises and a review of key case law covering topics from the Legislated Framework, Collective Agreements, Bargaining & Negotiations, Grievances and Jurisdictional Disputes, Health & Safety, and Human Rights.

If you are interested in building strong labour and management partnerships in Ontario’s unionized ICI construction sector, reach out and let us know how your passion and expertise relates to the objectives of our course.